
Apple Releases iPlay, The New Gaming Console

Apple is on top of everything in technology, now it has also entered the gaming zone. Sources at IGN tell us that Apple have introduced a new gaming console, the iPlay. Sony is planning to launch the PS4 any time this year and XBox will most probably be doing the same thing although they still haven't talked about any new console yet, and now it seems like Apple wants to join the competition as well.

The iPlay resembles a lot like the Apple TV but has some additional buttons to it. The famous home button is available as well. See what it looks like below: Credits IGN
Therea are 4 lights labelled 1-4 which connect a maximum number of 4 controllers to one console. The internal specs are not released yet and Apple has not put up any official notice on their website. The games that will be available for iPlay are not specified either, IGN show playing Angry Birds using the iPlay. Check out the video at

You have to use your iPhone or iPad as a controller and play on your TV screen. Like this
Isn't that awesome? But wait, isn't that what Apple TV and AirPlay already do? Yes it is, what on earth is iPlay if Apple TV and AirPlay do the same thing.

Happy April Fools! ( even though for many of you its April 2nd). IGN have seemed to fool everyone this time. There is no such thing as iPlay. Even though we wish Apple actually releases something similar. Another huge April Fools joke was done by Google who told the world that YouTube was shutting down for good.

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