
What's New in iOS 6?

Let me tell you, iOS 6 has exactly 200 new features and iOS 6 has been a huge improvement for iOS. The Apple Operating System has been enhanced greatly and Apple is trying its best to make their customers happy, and certainly they have always succeeded. iOS 6 has been released with the brand new iPhone 5. With over 200 improvements made, let me explain the main and noticeable additions Apple has introduced in  iOS 6.


Apple have made lots of improvement in their Maps app. They have enhanced the way we can view different places around the world. We can see a whole building or street from various angles, be it birds eye view or street view, you can see any place you want at any time from any dimension you want. Names of streets stay where they belong even when showing a landscape in 3D. Easy to understand visual and voice navigation is enabled, and the best thing is that everything is in High Definition!


Siri has been upgraded as well, you can use Siri for a lot more now and even talk to Siri when you are bored. You can ask the results of any sports matches, see movie reviews, book tables at restaurants, open apps, get directions, get answers to questions, or post status updates to Facebook and Twitter without tapping the screen, everything is functioned by a much improved voice recognition system! The main improvement in Siri in iOS 6 is that Siri has more languages and you can use Siri in most of the world!

New Integrated Facebook:

The worlds largest and most popular social network, Facebook is now integrated in iOS 6. Facebook syncs with your iDevice and you won't be needing the Facebook app anymore. You'll only have to sign in once and then you can do anything on Facebook right from the iOS. If you want to share a picture you can do it right from the Photos, if you want to share your location you can do it directly from Maps, you can share high scores from inside the game center, and much more too! You can even tell Siri to read your wall or update your status for you! The information in your Facebook friends is directly synced into your contacts and the Facebook events are also synced inside your iOS Calender! It's much easier than before!

FaceTime on Cellular:

In the previous iOS FaceTime could only be used through a WiFi network, but now FaceTime is compatible with a working Data connection and over cellular connection, meaning that you will never miss another FaceTime call. FaceTime anyone, at any time, from anywhere! You can even FaceTime with friends from your iPad using your phone number. FaceTime is on its peak!

Updated Phone App:

iOS 6 has introduced new calling features. These features support the idea when you can not pick up a call immediately. You can either drop the call, reply back with a quick text message, or even set up a call back reminder that will remind you later to call the specific person back. A 'Do Not Disturb' mode can also be turned on so that only important contacts can reach you, the rest will not be able to contact you. Now you won't be irritated when you are in a rush or meeting!

Camera With Panorama:

Now the Apple Camera can be used to a further extent in iOS 6. The new feature Panorama lets you take a much wider picture, and by wider picture I mean that you can take pictures with broadened horizons! With a simple slide you can take up to 240 degrees from the direction your camera is facing both horizontally and vertically. Then iOS 6 puts the whole picture into one big high resolution panorama. 
These are the main and noticeable features in iOS 6. Apple is trying its best to make life easier for their customers and they seem to be doing a pretty good job. iOS 6 also contains more than 200+ new features including many bug fixes. 


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