
Evasi0n Jailbreak Downloaded More than 7 Million Times in 4 Days

Yes, the new evasi0n jailbreaking tool has been downloaded for more than 7 million times in only 4 days. In the first 10 minutes after release there were more than 100,000 downloads. The reason for this success is because the jailbreak was delayed and these millions of people were waiting for a jailbreak to be available. Then when it was finally available, everyone tried to download it as soon as possible. Another reason could be that Apple sold millions of iDevices in 2012 as well.

Jay Freeman, the owner of Cydia told the world that his alternative cracked App Store had received those 7 million hits from only iOS 6 devices that were jailbreaked by evasi0n. Cydia was overflowed after the jailbreak and was down for many visitors.

According to Saurik, evasi0n has been the most popular and successful jailbreak available ever, even better than Absinthe and JailbreakMe. The new jailbreak had brought 'Insanely more Traffic' to Cydia. These hackers known as evad3rs have done an awesome job. The jailbreak is working 100% with no problems now, after 2 updates. After evasi0n cracking iOS 6, more tools are available as well.

Apple had tried their best to make iOS 6 hard to crack but seems like they have failed again. Apple is still fighting Piracy and is against jailbreaking as it lowers the number of downloads in the App Store. 7 million downloads in 4 days is a huge number. Apple should seriously try something new and upgrade their iOS a notch. They should try to introduce new themes and other tweaks especially the tweaks that are super popular in Cydia.

Even though Installous has shut down permanently now, people have changed to alternatives like AppCake. If you still haven't jailbroken your device then don't waste any time and download evasi0n right now from here. Comment below and share your thoughts with us about the new jailbreak!

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