
The Power of iMessage in iPhone, iPod, and iPad

iMessage has proved to be another awesome feature released in Apple Devices along with Siri and iCloud. iMessage is just like BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) but it is between Apple Devices. It works through WiFi or your 3G network. This is a much better than texting and it's recommended that you use iMessage between all your friends that have Apple Devices.

Why Use iMessage?

While using iMessage, you can text all you want and send pictures and videos at high speeds. You don't have to upload your pictures or videos to be able to send them. They are sent immediately. Not only texting, videos and pictures but contacts and location too! You can send anything you want, and the best part is that it's unlimited and 100% free! You can even tell Siri to send messages for you.

Group chats is one of the reasons that makes iMessage unique. Group chats are very easy to use and are fast and consistent. You can add as many people you want and can still send pictures, videos, contacts, and locations. It's fast and there is no real drawback. You also get notified when your message has been sent and you also get to know if the other person is typing a reply or not. 

The keyboard is also well optimized for fast typing and less typo errors. It has suggested words on the top of the keyboard and if you on accident type a word wrong, iMessage will automatically correct the spelling and then send the message. You can also turn this feature off if it annoys you. Sometimes when you write slang or  short words it will correct them and sometimes the corrections are turned into other words. Or if you are a slow typer you can dictate the message to your device and your dictated message will be sent to the recipient.

iMessage is a great messaging app and you won't need to remember any kind of PIN or number, you just need to know your Apple ID and you are off. You can talk to all your friends that have an iPod, iPhone, or iPad. The best thing about it is that it's free and fast. It's easy to use and user friendly. 

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